Work Performed:
Determines by visual examination and measurements with precision instruments, gauges, etc., the adherence to blueprint specifications and the proper standards of workmanship, material, finish, etc. on machined parts with the exception of gears and gear type parts. Makes complex layouts and setups on surface plate and checks measurements to close tolerances. Parts inspected may be made from any of the different grades of steel, aluminum, or aluminum alloy, brass, bronze, etc., and may be bolts, die castings, sand casting, forgings, extrusions, purchases parts, brake cylinders, oleo struts etc.
Determines correct inspection procedures to follow, devises methods of inspection for new type machine parts and makes effective recommendations for improvements in procedures and practices. Assigns duties to lower grade Machined Parts Inspectors, instructs them in methods to be followed and checks their work for accuracy and completeness. May be assigned to any phase of machined parts inspection in Receiving Inspection including the acceptance of any vendor-made machined parts, forgings, casting, etc. except gears and gear type parts, after checking such parts to specifications by means of layout or other inspection procedures.
Tools & Equipment Used:
Inspector’s hand and marking tools, machinist’s hand tools, precision-measuring instruments. Special testing and alignment devices and equipment and special precision gauges, templates, etc., and material testing equipment.